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Budding Sounds

  • Rua Red, South Dublin Arts Centre (map)

1 Jul - 2 Jul 2022

  • All day

  • All Ages Welcome

Open Friday, 2pm - 9pm, and Saturday 10am - 6pm.

Budding Sounds is a climate change and sound art project that local composer and sound artist Robert Coleman initiated with students from Clonburris N.S. and Rathfarnham Parish N.S.

This sound installation and exhibition showcase creative work by the children, Robert, and Climate Love Ireland members expressing the stories and progress of their tree planting, as well as what the schoolchildren have learned and their hopes for the future.

Over the year the schoolchildren took part in a 12-part series of environmental education and sound art workshops. Tree planting, sound maps, sound collages, presentations on air pollution, sustainability, nature connection meditations, and more all combined into one educational art-science experience, teaching the participants more about our environment, what they can do to help, and crucially, creative ways in which to express themselves about it. Co-presenters Talita Marcillo, Cathelijne de Wit (Forest Bathing Wicklow), and Climate Love Ireland founder Laragh McCann each worked with Robert to highlight matters including biodiversity, nature connection, and climate change. As a backdrop to the project, the schoolchildren helped plant native trees at their school and in their gardens in winter. The growth of these trees was documented into summer using recordings and anchoring their awareness in the changing and growing world around us.

In collaboration with Climate Love Ireland, facilitated by Alt Ents Arts Group and funded by Creative Ireland South Dublin.

Listing at Rua Red website available here