entangled explores the nonhuman worlds of the Amazon rainforest, focusing on the fascinating complexity of the continuous sonic flow created by insects, birds, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, fish, plant species, soil, water and the weather. The work facilitates a profound, active and sustained listening experience, cultivating intimate sensory encounters in which affectivity is favoured over signification and representation. It is an invitation to explore listening as a creative act, a form of attention, and a means to investigate the world. The project is composed from several hundred hours of environmental sound materials recorded in terra firme and flooded forest (várzea) ecosystems within the territories of the Amanã and Mamirauá reserves in the central Brazilian Amazon. The fieldwork was performed over two months in the dry season of 2015 in collaboration with local inhabitants.
The work will be experienced with an 8-channel immersive loudspeaker system configured especially for the occasion.
entangled has been produced with the help and support of Mamirauá Institute (Amazonas), Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC), Queen’s University Belfast, Santander Mobility Award, Laboratory of Acoustics and Sound Arts (LASom), UNICAMP (São Paulo), T-37 (Madrid), Sound and Music (London), and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
Artist, composer, and researcher. His work includes site-specific and public art projects, immersive spatial audio installations and concerts in the dark, and compositions for headphone listening spread through exhibitions, broadcasts and releases. Focusing on the limits and thresholds of perception and attention, his practice is an open-ended investigation of listening, more-than-human vitality, aural energies and otherness. Through a continuum of approaches, his environmental sound works explore the vibrant entanglements and creativity of human bodies, nonhuman creatures, energies, materials, spaces, and technologies, encouraging sensory ecological awareness. He sees listening as a political act, meant to resist dominant tendencies in contemporary societies and cultivate alternative forms of being and thinking. His work has been experienced internationally in diverse contexts. He has participated in multiple artistic residencies and has given talks, seminars and workshops internationally.
He received a Phonurgia Nova Award for the work STRANGE STRANGERS, commissioned by Czech Radio and published with Vertical Music. Recent projects also include the ambisonics installation PHONOCENE ~ SPECTRAL AFFECTS, developed in residency at Etopia Center for Art & Technology (Zaragoza); CANARIAS SOUNDWALK, installed originally in Washington DC; EARTHING, created from recordings made during the volcanic eruption on La Palma island in 2021; various works based on phonographic explorations of riverine and freshwater habitats; and an ongoing art and science collaboration with ocean scientists.
Wednesday September 27th
Unit 44 (Kirkos)
Doors: 7pm
Event begins: 7:15pm
Pay what you can tickets. Attend for free if you like with donations encouraged and all proceeds going to the running costs of this and future School of Wild Listening events.
The School of Wild Listening is a platform for the discussion and dissemination of ecological sound art and music. In our current age of ecological disconnection, listening provides a means to explore and cultivate a deeper connection to the world around us. This listening provides a knowledge for initiating cultural change and allows us to pro-actively engage with the biodiversity and climate crisis conversation.
Directed by Robert Coleman.